Jan 7, 2014 | Comenius
Mentor: Saša Kravos, prof.
Škoda bi bilo zavreči koščke blage. Z malo domišljije se jih lahko spremeni v sovice. Za to potrebujemo: koščke blaga, šablono, lepilo, šivanko, sukanec, polnilo in dve očesi.
S šablono obrišeš sovo. Potrebuješ dve. Izrežeš ju in ju zašiješ. Napolniš s polnilom. Iz manjših koščkov izrežeš podlago za oči in nanjo zalepiš dve očesi. Če dodaš še vrvico je to lahko obesek za ključe ali le mala sova – simbol učenosti!
Mentor: Saša Kravos, prof.
It’s a pitty that we throw away small pieces of textile. With a little imagination you can turn them into owls. All that you need is: small pieces of textile, stencil, glue, needle, thread, filler and two eyes.
First you have to outline the owl. You need two such pieces – one for the front and one for the back. Then you cut both pieces out from the textile and sew them together. Fill with filling. Cut the grounding for the eyes, glue it on the owl’s face and two eyes on it. If you make a little string, you can use the owl as a keychain or you can leave it without the string, in that case it remains just a small owl – the symbol of wisdom!
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Jan 7, 2014 | Comenius
Mentorici: Keti Bratina in Saša Kravos
Lepo in čisto okolje nam veliko pomeni, zato smo se odločili, da bomo za novoletna darila uporabili materiale, ki jih ne potrebujemo več. Zbirali smo stare, odpadle sveče in obrabljene voščenke.
V prazni pločevinki smo segreli vosek in v njem stopili voščenke. To je vosek obarvalo. Nato smo še vroč vosek nalili v prazne in umite jogurtove lončke, ki smo jih prihranili od malice. Dokler je bil vosek še tekoč, smo vanj postavili stenj. Naučili smo se, da je to vrvica iz bombaža, ki napojen z gorljivo snovjo, ki počasi gori.
Ko se je vosek strdil, smo odstranili jogurtovo embalažo. Pogled na naš izdelek nam je na obraz priklical nasmeh. Uspelo nam je!
Mentors: Keti Bratina and Saša Kravos
Nice and clean environment means a lot to us, so we decided that we will make Christmas and New Years gifts using materials that are no longer in use. We collected old, worn out candles and used wax crayons.
We heated the empty cans in which we liquefied the used candels. Then we added wax crayons to colour the wax. We poured the hot wax into the empty, used and washed yoghurt cups which were saved from ourlunch.
While the wax was still hot, we put a candle wick in it. We have learned that this is a braided cotton soaked in a combustible solution that burns slowly.
When the wax was solidified, we removed the yoghurt packaging. Looking at our product a big smile rose on our faces. YES, we did it!
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Dec 17, 2013 | Comenius
MENTORICA: Silvija Oven, prof.
Otroke v šoli navajamo na kreativno preživljanje prostega časa. V jesenskih delavnicah so učenci nižjih razredov svojo kreativnost združili z zabavo in iz odpadne plastične embalaže izdelali igračo. Z “ribico, ki lovi žogico”, si bodo odslej popestrili prosti čas in ob tem še na igriv način urili svojo telesno koordinacijo.
MENTOR: Silvia Oven, prof.
We educate our children how to spend free time creatively. In the autumn workshops our younger pupils combined their creativity with fun and made a toy from plastic packaging waste. With the “fish that catches a ball” they will enrich their free time and at the same time train their physical coordination in a joyful way.
Dec 9, 2013 | Comenius
V Sloveniji imamo avtohtono kranjsko čebelo, ki je bila prvič opisana leta 1879.
Kranjska čebela – Apis mellifera carnica
Avtor fotografije: Franc Šivic
Leta 2004 je Čebelarska zveza Slovenije pridobila status Priznane rejske organizacije v čebelarstvu. V Sloveniji je dovoljeno čebelariti samo s kranjsko čebelo Apis mellifera carnica, ki je podvrsta medonosne čebele Apis mellifera. Ozemlje Republike Slovenije je izvorno območje kranjske čebele (Apis mellifera carnica).
Na pobudo Čebelarske zveze Slovenije smo letos v slovenskih šolah in vrtcih že tretje leto zapored imeli dan slovenske hrane in brezplačni tradicionalni slovenski zajtrk. Tradicionalni slovenski zajtrk je sestavljen iz mleka, kruha, masla, medu in jabolka. Vsa živila morajo biti pridelana v Sloveniji. Namen slovenskega zajtrka je izobraževanje o zdravih prehranjevalnih navadah in pomenu oskrbe s hrano iz lokalnega okolja.
Hrana pridelana v lokalnem okolju ima v primerjavi s hrano, ki je prepotovala na stotine kilometrov marsikatero prednost. Z nakupom lokalne hrane, ki je tudi bolj sveža, naredite tudi majhen korak k zmanjšanju onesnaževanja okolja na račun izpušnih plinov, ki nastajajo v transportu hrane od izvora do kupca.
Saša Kravos, prof.
Slovenia has an indigenous Carniolan bee, which was first described in 1879.
Carniolan bee – Apis mellifera Carnica
Author of the photo: Franc Šivic
In 2004, the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association obtained the status of a recognized bee breeders’ association. In Slovenia, beekeepers are allowed to keep only the Carniolan bee – Apis mellifera Carnica, a subspecies of the western honey bee Apis mellifera. Slovenia is the homeland of the Carniolan bee (Apis mellifera Carnica).
On the initiative of the Slovenian Beekeepers Association, for three year now the Slovenian schools and kindergartens have been organizing a day of the Slovenian food and a free traditional Slovenian breakfast for the pupils. The traditional Slovenian breakfast consists of milk, bread, butter, honey and apples. All food must be produced in Slovenia. The purpose of the Slovenian breakfast is to educate about healthy eating habits and the importance of food supply from the local environment.
Food produced in the local environment compared to the food that has travelled hundreds of kilometres has many advantages. By buying the local food, which is also fresher, you also make a small step towards reducing the pollution caused by exhaust gases in the transport chain of food from the producer to the final customer.
Saša Kravos, prof.
Dec 9, 2013 | Comenius
MENTOR: Nataša Rupnik, prof. lik. ped.
Likovna umetnost: portreti in eco materiali
Naši petošolci so se pri likovni umetnosti spoznali z življenjem in delom lokalnega umetnika, slikarja, grafika in fotografa, Vena Pilona. Posebno pozornost so posvetili portretom.
Po ogledu del so v Pilonovi galeriji poustvarjali portrete z ekološkimi materiali: ogljem in kredo na recikliran papir.
Art class: portraits and eco materials
In art class, our fifth-graders learned about life and work of local artist, painter, printmaker and photographer, Veno Pilon. They devoted most of their attention to portraits. After viewing the works at Pilon gallery, they drew the portraits, using eco materials: recycled paper, charcoal and chalk.
Dec 9, 2013 | Comenius
MENTOR: Marjetica Stopar, prof.
Tudi mi ga imamo, zato smo izdelali termos steklenico. Potrebovali smo plastenko, staro steklenico, alu folijo, stiropor, star papir, lepilo in dekorativne serviete. Plastenko smo prečno odrezali. Steklenico smo ovili v alu folijo in jo vstavili v plastenko. S pomočjo stiropora smo naredili zračni plašč. Dodali smo še vrhnji del steklenice in ju zlepili. S pomočjo lepila smo steklenico kaširali in okrasili s servietom. Doma smo ugotovili, da ostane čaj v njej topel deset ur.
Poskusite tudi vi.
We like it very much, so we decided to make a vacuum flask. We needed a plastic bottle, a smaller glass bottle, some aluminium foil, pieces of polystyrene, some old paper, glue and napkins. First we cut off the upper quarter of the plastic bottle. Then we wrapped the glass bottle in aluminium foil and put it into the plastic bottle. After that we put pieces of polystyrene arround the glass bottle and glued the upper quarter of the plastic bottle back. Finally, we decorated it with paper and napkins. At home we found out the tea remained hot for 10 hours.
Try it yourself.
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