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Tudi hrano lahko recikliramo – ALSO FOOD CAN BE RECYCLED

MENTOR: Lilijana Rijavec – 5. b



Učenci petega razreda smo razmišljali, da vse preveč hrane zavržemo. Postavili smo si vprašanja povezana s to problematiko.

Kaj lahko storimo sami?
Kako lahko recikliramo hrano, da jo ponovno uporabimo?
Katero hrano bi najlažje reciklirali?
Kaj bi naredili, da bi bili do okolja čim bolj prijazni in bi pri tem uporabili čim manj energije?

Po razmisleku smo se odločili, da bomo rezine kose, ki nam ostajajo pri malici, reciklirali v krušne drobtinice. Tako bomo kruh ponovno uporabili, a v drugačni obliki.

1.      Kose  kruha smo sušili na zraku nekaj dni, da so izgubile vlago.
2.      Posušen kruh smo razvrstili glede na vrsto ( polnozrnati, koruzni, pšenični …)
3.      Nalomili smo ga na manjše koščke in ga zmleli z ročnim mlinčkom v drobtinice.
4.      Drobtinice smo presejali, stehtali in z njimi napolnili razgradljive vrečke.
5.      Tako pakiranim drobtinicam smo iz tršega papirja izdelali še embalažo, ki smo jo opremili z napisom in pregovori o kruhu.
6.      Svoje krušne drobtinice smo ponudili obiskovalcem na novoletnem bazarju.

 Naučili smo se reciklirati kruh in ga spoštovati.

Pregovor pravi: » Če kruhek pade na tla, poberi in poljubi ga.«



Fifth graders found out that too much food is being discarded. We set questions related to this issue:

What can we do about it?
How can we recycle food and use it again?
Which food can be recycled?
How can we achieve our aim and at the same time be friendly to the environment and save energy?


In the end we decided to take slices of bread that remain from snacks and recycle them into bread crumbs. In this way bread can be used in a different form.

1. We let the slices of bread air-dry for several days.
2. Further we divided dried bread slices according to the flour type (whole grain, corn, wheat…)
3. We broke dried bread slices into smaller pieces and crushed and ground them with a hand mill into bread crumbs.
4. We sifted them, weighed, and put them into biodegradable bags.
5. We made also paper packaging, each unit with a Slovenian saying about bread.
6. Our ‘school made crumbs’ will be offered to our parents and other visitors at our charitable December’s market stand.

We have learned how to recycle bread and how to respect it.
The Slovenian saying says: “If bread falls to the ground, pick it up and kiss it.”


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Ekološka in dobrodelna akcija “Podari igračo” – Ecological and charity drive called “Give a Toy”

Ekološka in dobrodelna akcija “Podari igračo”

Na naši šoli vsako leto priredimo ekološko in dobrodelno akcijo z naslovom “Podari igračo”. V tej akciji učenci stare škatle spremenijo v zbiralne zabojnike, v katerih nato zbirajo stare, a nepoškodovane in še vedno uporabne igrače. Zbrane igrače s pomočjo dobrodelnih ustanov podarimo otrokom iz manj premožnih družin. S tem poskrbimo, da igrače ne romajo v smeti, hkrati pa poskrbimo, da so v decembrskem času daril lahko deležni prav vsi otroci v naši okolici.


Ecological and charity drive called Give a Toy”
Every year in our school we organize an ecological and fundraiser activity titled “Give a Toy.” In this activity children transform old boxes into collection containers, to which they then collect old, but intact and still usable toys. By the help of charitable institutions we give the collected toys to children from less affluent families. In this way we make sure that toys do not wander into trash but bring joy to less fortunate children in our area, especially in December – the month of gifts.


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Kitty bank

Mentor: Anuša Blažko, prof. lik. umet.
Eko hranilnik – varčujmo z odpadki in denarjem

V podaljšanem bivanju se že v prvih razredih privajamo na kvalitetno in ustvarjalno preživljanje prostega časa. Pred svetovnim dnevom varčevanja smo zbrali in prinesli odpadne kartonske embalaže. Z malo volje in veliko veselja smo izdelali uporabni izdelek: eko hranilnik v obliki mucke.

Saving environment and money with a “Kitty bank”
Our firstgraders are learning how to spend their free time creatively. Before the World Savings Day (31 October), they collected waste cardboard packaging and turned it into a useful product, a penny bank named “Kitty bank”.
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Z roko v roki za lepši svet – pesmi – HAND IN HAND FOR A WONDERFUL LAND – POEMS

V petem razredu je otroke navdahnila tematika našega projekta. Ustvarili so sledeče pesmi.

In the fifth grade the children were inspired by our project’s theme and wrote some poems on the topic.

Mentorica: Marjetica Stopar, prof. (5. a)


Neža Velikonja Krašna:


Zemlja si zasluži biti čista,

čista kakor modna pista.

Gozdovi in rastline

naj bodo brez praznine ali mine.

Svet naj bo v barve odet

kot mavrica spet in spet.

Zato : roke si podajmo

in si skrb za čisto okolje zadajmo!

Bodimo eko

in zemlji in sebi pomagajmo.

Zrak umazan naj gre proč,

da nam ne bo treba po pomoč.

Voda naša naj bo jasna

kakor gozdna jasa prekrasna!

Zato še enkrat: roke si podajmo

in sebi in naravi pomagajmo.


Neža Velikonja Krašna:


The Earth deserves to be clean,

clean like polished runway sheen.


The forests and meadows should be free of any mine,

but filled with life, perfect and fine!


The world should be colourful like a butterfly

or a rainbow over the sky.


So give me your hand my dearest friend

and let’s work together for a cleaner land!


Let’s be ecological

and make the Earth a jewel.


Let us sweep the pollution away –

we don’t wish to ask for help every day.


Water should be crystal clear – not only at springs!

It should be like a beautiful glade

or a song that a nightingale sings.


So once again my dearest friend:

let us live

hand in hand for a wonderful land.




Hana Vovk:

Nikoli ne meči smeti v naravo,

raje pokimaj z glavo.

Reci si ne,

to pa sem ne gre.

Če bomo varovali naš planet,

ostal bo lep naš svet.

Današnji dan se razvija s tehnologijo,

a boljša od nje je ekologija.

To prava, čista je narava,

trudimo se, da bi ostala zdrava.

Če bomo varovali naš planet,

ostal bo lep naš svet.

Če bomo vsi le modrovali,

se samo nič ne bo naredilo.

In hitro se nam bo zgodilo,

da v umazaniji se bo utonilo.

Brž v roke si sezimo,

ker vsi čisto Zemljo si želimo,

Saj bilo bi nam hudo,

če Zemlje naše bi več ne bilo.

Če bomo varovali naš planet,

ostal bo lep ta svet.


Hana Vovk:

Never throw garbage into the nature!

Rather be an activator

that shows the world

how nature can be pearled.


Let us love our Mother Earth,

respect her – she is of great worth.


Nowadays we push forward technology,

but much better is ecology.

It deals with nature – pure and true,

I wish the rest of the world would see this too.


Let us love our Mother Earth,

respect her – she is of great worth.


If we only talk about it,

the world will remain unfit.

If we keep inflicting on it this hurt,

we’ll soon end up in dirt.


It’s no news

that we have no time to lose.

So, quick, my friend,

give me your hand for a beautiful land.


Let us love our Mother Earth,

respect her – she is of great worth.





Pia Stibilj:

Radi imejmo svoj planet,

zato ločujmo vsako smet.

Smeti pripadajo smetnjaku

in se odpeljejo v tovornjaku.

Varovati svet se splača,

saj nam narava vedno vrača.

Zato v roke si sezimo in se potrudimo

da svet ostane lep

in čeden bo naš planet.


Pia Stibilj:

Let us love our planet,

and separate the waste.

The waste belongs to rubbish bins –

the nature should be graced.


Protecting is repaying,

all life on Earth underlaying.


So let us take each other’s hand

and make the Earth a cleaner land –

return her all its grand.




Mark Gomizelj:

Skupaj smo se zbrali,

da bi naravi pomagali

in rešili bi živali.

Začeli pri tovarnah,

saj naš zrak ni mali »Ah«.

Bomo filtre namestili

in čist zrak skoznje spustili.

Tudi naše vode so zelo umazane

in skupaj moramo odplakam reci ne.

Rastline in živali

bi radi zavarovali

pri tem si roke bomo podali

in skupaj naravo obvarovali.


Mark Gomizelj:

We gathered here today

to help the nature

and make sure the animals are OK.


We will start with factories,

and take care of our air.

We will put the filters on

so the pollution now: beware!


Sadly our waters are dirty, too.

So let us make them clean anew!


We would like to protect

all animals and plants,

and hand in hand save them

as priceless grants.


Predlogi za Comeniusov logotip – OUR SUGGESTIONS FOR COMENIUS LOGO

Predlogi 4. a za Comeniusov logotip

Mentor: Katarina Dolgan, prof.
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Predlogi 1. b za Comeniusov logotip


Mentorici: Keti Bratina in Saša Kravos, prof.

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Predlogi 1. c za Comeniusov logotip


Mentorici: Barbara Trošt, prof. in Keti Bratina

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Dan odprtih vrat na Fructalu – FRUCTAL – OPEN-DOOR DAY

Saša Kravos, prof. (1.b)


4. 10. 2013

V Ajdovščini imamo FRUCTAL. To je podjetje, ki izdeluje sadne sokove, sadne rezine, frutke za dojenčke, sirupe … V podjetju poudarjajo pozitiven odnos so narave. Izdelujejo in uspešno tržijo najkakovostnejše izdelke iz sadja in nekaterih drugih plodov narave. Njihovi izdelki ohranjajo vse bogastvo naravnih vsebin brez umetnih dodatkov. S svojim proizvodnim programom ter s širitvijo poslovanja v mednarodno okolje se uvrščajo v krog najboljših evropskih proizvajalcev v svoji panogi.

Podjetje je praznovalo svoj 68. rojstni dan. Organizirali so dan odprtih vrat. Učenci naše šole so si ogledali tovarno. Bili so navdušeni. Za otroke so pripravili tudi delavnice, na katerih so sodelovali. Na eni izmed njih so se učili, kako reciklirati smeti. Spoznavali so, kako je pomembno skrbeti za naravo, da nas obdari z zdravimi in okusnimi sadeži.

Če še niste poskusili Fructalovih izdelkov, jim morate čim prej. Ne bo vam žal!


October 4, 2013

In our town – Ajdovščina we have FRUCTAL. Fructal is a company that produces fruit juices, fruit bars, babies’ first fruit food, syrups… They emphasize a positive attitude towards nature. They produce and successfully market top quality products of fruit and some other nature’s crops. Their products preserve all the richness of natural food without artificial additives. With their range of products and expansion of operations to the international environment, they rank among the best European manufacturers in their line of business.

The company celebrated its 68th birthday. They organized an open-door day, so the pupils from our school visited the plant and were absolutely thrilled. They also prepared workshops for children, in which they took part. In one of them they learnt how to recycle the waste. Children realized how important it is to take care of nature that presents us with healthy and delicious fruits.

If you haven’t tasted one of Fructal’s products yet, you have to do it as soon as possible. You will not regret it!


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